Monday, August 31, 2009

Two Fun DIY's

Lemon candles. What an awesome way to set a table and reuse your lemons. Many thanks to Martha for the idea. Check out the link for instructions.

These paper lanterns are just too cool. Thanks to Can't Stop Making Things Blog, you too can construct such loveliness. :)

Friday, August 28, 2009


I love words. LOVE them. Take the word scrumptious. Doesn't it just roll off the tongue and sound like what it means? But sometimes a word comes along that I detest. For example: Moist. I hate this word. It actually makes me gag to say. I can't quite put my finger on why. May it has to do with literary references from my childhood; The dungeon was dank and moist. Blech.
Another word I hate is panties. It skeeves me out. I can't say it out loud and when someone does, especially a man, I shudder and make a sour face, ya know, the kind you make when you take nothing but pure lemon. Yuck. It makes me think of pedophiles. Does that make me weird? Perhaps.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I've Got My Angry Eyes On

I miss cheese. I just moved from a quiet farm in Connecticut to the city of Chicago. Then again, after India, anything else is quiet. So far, so good. Coming from NYC usually, I am used to crazy traffic, large crowds, busy trains, and loud honking. Chicago has offered nominal traffic, less people, okay trains even at rush hour, and near silent streets. It's a nice middle ground. Grant Park is amazing and I am loving the cycling community. I bought myself a bike. And not just a bike, but a sassy little Schwinn Jaguar. My mother checked it out at Target. She said it looked like Pee Wee Herman's bike. I took that as a complete compliment.

While our new condo is fantastic and so is our new black cat, Tux, I went to the doctor for an annual physical just before I moved. I found out that at 29 years of age, I have high cholesterol. This is shocking to me. I am in pretty good shape and for all 123 lbs. of me, I like to eat. I now live in a city that is famous for it's deep dish pizza! What's a girl to do? For the past three weeks, I haven't had anything with cholesterol in it... until last night. I had turkey kielbasa. Today, I feel tired and gross. Also, I am really hungry. to make things worse, before I moved, I vowed to used my Kitchen Aide Mixer every week. I love to bake. Today I made chocolate chip cookies from scratch. I am frustrated for two reasons. 1- I am tempted to eat all the cookies. 2- They came out terrible. So in a sense I guess I solved my own problem. As for the deep dish- I'll have to get back to you on that one:)