Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I've Got My Angry Eyes On

I miss cheese. I just moved from a quiet farm in Connecticut to the city of Chicago. Then again, after India, anything else is quiet. So far, so good. Coming from NYC usually, I am used to crazy traffic, large crowds, busy trains, and loud honking. Chicago has offered nominal traffic, less people, okay trains even at rush hour, and near silent streets. It's a nice middle ground. Grant Park is amazing and I am loving the cycling community. I bought myself a bike. And not just a bike, but a sassy little Schwinn Jaguar. My mother checked it out at Target. She said it looked like Pee Wee Herman's bike. I took that as a complete compliment.

While our new condo is fantastic and so is our new black cat, Tux, I went to the doctor for an annual physical just before I moved. I found out that at 29 years of age, I have high cholesterol. This is shocking to me. I am in pretty good shape and for all 123 lbs. of me, I like to eat. I now live in a city that is famous for it's deep dish pizza! What's a girl to do? For the past three weeks, I haven't had anything with cholesterol in it... until last night. I had turkey kielbasa. Today, I feel tired and gross. Also, I am really hungry. to make things worse, before I moved, I vowed to used my Kitchen Aide Mixer every week. I love to bake. Today I made chocolate chip cookies from scratch. I am frustrated for two reasons. 1- I am tempted to eat all the cookies. 2- They came out terrible. So in a sense I guess I solved my own problem. As for the deep dish- I'll have to get back to you on that one:)

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