Saturday, February 7, 2009

All You Need Is Love

These are some of the most amazing people I know. I will tell you why they are so special to me.

Hope is my neighbor and a great piano teacher. I went to high school with here sons and she is my #1 fan.
Andrew is one of my sister's best friends. He is also like another brother to me.

Scott and I went to high school together. Although we were'nt that close then, now that I am in India, he has been someone who makes me smile every day. I told him that if carved me a pumpkin for Halloween, I'd give him a dollar. He made me my very own stop-start movie.
Sean I have known for I don't even know how many years. I used to walk him to the bus stop when he was little. And when he wasn't so little anymore, we did an original musical together. We were giant bugs. His bum lit up and I was a queen bee. Fabulous.

Shannon is the miniature version of me. I miss her bunches. Rolos and Pert Plus. We love them.

Evan is one of the most genuine people I know. But don't ever try to out run him, he will catch you every time. Damnit.
John knows more about Shakespeare than anyone else in my life. He's a great writer and a great friend, even if I want to smack him some of the time.

Sam is a doll. She owns more articles of pink clothing than anyone else. She is a fanastic listener. Ashley is also my twin. We joke that someday we'll own a house together and raise very well adjusted children.
Tyler is an artist and a confidant. He is currently drawing a 3x4 picture od me. I am beyond humbled.

I met Jen while filming in VA. She is a kook in the best sense of the word. We really enjoyed making coffee, shopping for socks, and jumping on pieces of furnitures

Jaun is a beautiful dancer. He is pretentious, he admits it, and I love him all the more for it.
Daniel holds a special place in my heart. One of the most talented quadruple threats in the business. I met both of these boys in college.

Erin was the first person I met at AMDA while we were waiting to be put into our classes. Later she was roomie and I miss her voice.
Marina, Beth, and Carmen are my friends and fellow teachers. They make Beansprouts the best place in the world to work.

Lenin is one creative man. He is a force to be reckoned with, especially when it comes to blading, life documenting, and dares.
Mateo is my best friend in the city. I also met him in college and now we pride ourselves on our smart-ass behavior and one day, it making us very wealthy.

Rob and Kristina are Brandon's siblings, but I love them like my own.
Nick was my prom date and Howie was my homeroom buddy in high school. They are married now and Nick has a baby on the way in a few months.

Chris was also a homeroom buddy and a neighbor. He and I like to test eachother's smart-ass levels. He'll always argue the fact that I'm kicking his butt so far.

Carola was the first person I met when I went from private elementary school to public high school. We know all of eachother's deep dark secrets and that's a wonderful feeling.

Dave and I have known eachother since Kindergarten. We share a love for 80's music and movies.
Kristy is my other very best friend. No matter how long we go without seeing eachother, it is always like no time has passed.
My brother James. He is the second sarcastic child in the family. He one smart cookie.
Steph is a basically me reincarnated. We have a special understanding as to why the other is so weird.

Anna is the baby. Whe she was younger, she was crazy. Now she's one of the funniest people I know and I'm very proud of her.

Finally... this is my boyfriend. Brandon. He is "practically perfect in every way." Yup, he's like Mary Poppins; he cooks, cleans, is super smart, will make up impromptu songs and dances with me, and makes me laugh even when I don't want to. What more could I ask for, really.
All of these people make my life pretty darn amazing. If they didn't know before, well, they do now.

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